Hañsa Professional Therapy Training
Hañsa Therapy is a complementary, holistic approach to health that optimises functional living. Hañsa uses yogic and Taoist concepts to deconstruct movement, breathing rhythms and behaviour to provide an approach that supports the practitioner, student and client to greater wellness.
Hañsa Therapy
incorporates in its therapeutic model Hañsa Functional Touch practices. A unique bodywork system that elicits a higher degree of body organisation which can develop new and improved movement strategies to support overall function
It’s main philosophy is based on that any therapeutic value within the practice is built overtime. It is a system that differentiates and analyses personal styles and characteristics, with the view that as our understanding of ourselves grow so do our choices become different. The hope is the practice will enable any practitioner of Hañsa to adapt, mature and evolve. This is a prerequisite to improving functionality and living life well.
Benefits of Becoming a Hañsa Therapist
The knowledge and practices you gained will continue to help you understand your own movement, postural habits, and deep-seated tendencies.
You will learn to choose new movements and build new strategies that are more supportive towards your well-being.
You will learn the fundamentals of human behaviour and start observe commonalities that we all share. This will help create an understanding that enables a deeper connection with others..
You will be able to build a professional therapy practice that is carefully considered and catered towards the unique condition and behaviour of your client.
You will belong to group of like minded individuals that share the same passion in healing and self empowerment.
Receive an invitation to join the Hañsa Continuing Professional Membership for continuing education to support your personal growth.
Hañsa Therapy Professional Training
The Hañsa therapy system develops a student’s ability to understand and apply advanced anatomy, biomechanics, and appreciate developmental consequences to dysfunctional movement patterns. Hansa therapy system explores behavioural from a multi layered movement to motivation concept to define safe and right practice that re-patterns the body back to wellbeing.
Hañsa therapy training places a large focus on self- development and awareness to enable students and teachers to embody therapeutic protocols and practice to assist in understanding the art of administering therapy.
To restore physical balance Hañsa Therapy uses a variety of tools, bodywork techniques, rehabilitation protocols, assessment procedures and movement therapy are taught to enhance awareness, body movement and greater postural relationships.
This training is equivalent to standard Yoga Alliance 200-hour Yoga Training. It provides the opportunity for students to better understand the biomechanics of functional, dynamic movement in the context of: Thoracic rhythm, the pelvic puzzle, and the shoulder complex. These areas of the body provide the platform to explore movement patterning, rehabilitation and Hañsa flow practice with a therapeutic focus.
Learning and practice from each therapy module are then integrated during an assessment that creates an environment of critical, integrated inquiry within the three physiological and energetic systems explored in the 200-hour Hañsa Therapy Training. The assessment is an appraisal of each student’s understanding of therapy principles and ability to apply them.
Hañsa Philosophy
Developmental Patterns
Experiential Bio Mechanics
Assessment Procedures
Rehab Protocols
Therapy Classes
Yogic Concept
Functional Touch
This training is equivalent to standard Yoga Alliance 300-hour Yoga Training. It introduces students to advanced levels of anatomy, physiology, therapeutic movement, clinical assessment and application of therapeutic concepts in group and individual therapeutic yoga settings. The training explores thoracic rhythm, the pelvic puzzle, and the shoulder complex at an advanced level, assessment, critique planned interventions and evaluate client progress. Independent self-learning is guided and appraised by a faculty member (remotely & in person where possible) in order to develop students’ ability to safely practice as a Hañsa therapist.
Philosophy 2
Experiential Bio Mechanics 2
Heaven’s Temple
Assessment 2
Rehab Protocols 2
Functional Touch II
Advanced therapy training prepares the student to work towards being a Hañsa Therapist. Here students are mentored by a Hañsa faculty member to undertake supervised clinical practice with individual clients, appraise their needs. Final certification as Hañsa Therapist is awarded only when the student has completed the required hours of study, clinical practice assessment and mentorship supervision sessions. After completing the pre-requisite above, students will be interviewed to finalise their certification as a Hañsa Therapist.
DCW (Developmental Contact Work)
Functional Touch III
Therapy Summary & Assessment
Have completed a minimum of 200 hours yoga teacher training or an equivalent movement training modality.
Enrolment for the next Hañsa Professional Training will be opened at the end of the year. Email us at info@hansawellness.nz for any inquiries.
What’s next after I get my certification?
You’ll be eligible to apply for one of our Professional Memberships for continuous support in your education.