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    Return Series - Return

    A relaxing practice to close the Return series. This practice will take us very close to the ground, starting with the full sequence and slowly eliminating the movement to finally come to stillness.

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    Return Series - Flow

    A culmination of all the previous videos in the Return series, Flow is a practice that is quite active, where we have to navigate various gravitational influences with a sense of stability, while moving in a way that is flowing.

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    Return Series - Listen

    In Listen we’re moving away from the linear practices in the previous videos in the Return series, and begin moving in a circular pattern facing various directions. In this practice we encourage you to start connecting to your inner rhythm.

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    Return Series - Expand

    In Expand, we’re taking all that we’ve built in the previous videos in the Return series, and taking the stability in a practice that has more open frame, while seeing if we can bring some buoyancy in the body in the movements.

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    Return Series - Centred

    Centred is the 4th video in the Return series. In this practice we’re doing a standing practice, applying the stability we’ve built in the Slow & Steady video, and practicing the idea of containment around the pelvis area.

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    Return Series - Slow & Steady

    The 3rd video in the Return series, in Slow & Steady we’ll find a sense of stability through movement. We’ll be in the low to mid gravity level, beginning with some rehab exercises and then we’ll go through a simple sequence to apply the ideas in the rehab rehab exercises. This video can be used as a simple warm up for the Centred, Expand, Listen & Flow videos in this series.

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    Return Series - Tender & Support

    Tender & Support is a gentle movement practice created with the intention to support ourselves in moments when we feel unbalanced.

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    Return Series - Quiet & Connect

    Quiet & Connect is a meditative practice to tune into our own awareness and build a gentle connection to our body. Perfect for after a long day, or when you’re feeling anxious.